The Status Quo HR Tech – It’s no secret that the recruitment industry is undergoing massive shifts in perspective. They were long due, but the current global situation seems to have precipitated a change in view that would have happened over the course of some years and condensed it into one. More and more, the […]
The Constant Search for the Perfect Candidate & How We Fixed It #2
The perfect candidate – the ways of recruitment, like anything else in the business world, it seems, should start focusing on the metrics that matter, the parts of processes that are most valuable and the people who always find better ways to achieve more.
Recruitment Technology Milestones of 2019
Recruitment technology milestones – the recruiting world is awash in breakthroughs, with new game changers coming online seemingly every few weeks. 2019 was a landmark year for these changes, with the global job market shifting to a candidate-centric model and employment levels reaching all-time highs around the world.
Actionable Steps To Improve Your Hiring Process
Improve your hiring process – in this article we’ll cover both how we can help you improve recruitment, as well as how you can improve it yourself. How We Improve Your Hiring Process At Jobful This first part is focused on the benefits we can help you leverage throughout the recruitment process: Empowering Hiring Teams […]
3 Screening Problems Jobful Solves for You
Screening problems – we all know that moment when you are happy that you have hundreds of applications for a job and after you spend hours analyzing them discover that only 10-20% are relevant and match the job requirements. And then you start contacting them and only 8-15% are still interested in that job. Searching […]
Why gamifying recruitment will change HR in 2020
Gamifying recruitment – gamification is all the rage in certain circles. And with good cause, it’s a fantastic way to entice customers, engage audiences, and even attract great talent.
Do your skills match what your employer of choice is looking for?
Skills match – looking for work is, well, hard work. It can easily become an all-consuming, full-time job all by itself. Add to the stresses of building a stand-out resume, composing relevant and engaging cover letters, and the “hurry up and wait” that follows each submission the fact that today’s job market is more competitive […]
Why a gamified recruiting process will help you get hired
By now we’re sure you’ve heard of Domino’s Pizza Magnate game. Or Google’s infamous “code jams.” But do you know the secret behind these recruiting strategies? And we don’t just mean the secret to why massive, global-dominant companies like these are using games to help identify who they want to work for them. We’re talking […]
How to Select Your Employer of Choice
Select your employer – you already know the job market is an ever-changing thing, just ask anyone who looked for a job 5, or even 2, years ago and finds themselves back in the market today if you don’t believe it. The current global market is heavily candidate-focused due to a shortage of high-quality candidates […]
Job hunt 2020: 7 Tips for tech workers
Job hunt 2020 – You’ve probably heard about how it’s a “candidate’s market” out there. But what you may not have found is any concrete advice about what that means for you, an unemployed (or unhappily employed), highly skilled tech worker.