Employer Branding Strategies for Future-Facing Companies

Employer branding strategies – nowadays employer branding is all about a long-term strategy to keep employees in the company growing with a set of values, ethics, and the most important is directing them to a purpose. After more than two years continuous shifts in the market, we saw some changes that announce adopting a new paradigm of employer branding, such as:

Moving from process to people.

One of the forthcoming trends that companies will face sooner or later is that people right now require more personal interactions. In the past year more than ever we rediscovered the importance of meaningful connections, and companies will have to look at the way that their employees will interact with them, with their colleagues, their community, and so on. Most of the employers on the market put many resources into the processes, in getting those results above their competitors, but perhaps the most important demand is creating a climate for their employees to grow.

It is all about the experience. 

What makes a more quality working environment than a company realizing their employees’ experiences will become the way that future possible employees will know abou a company?

The future of work is starting to look hybrid. A survey from IBM shows that 75% would like to work remotely occasionally, and 54% would like to go only to the office. Future-facing companies must adapt their benefits on how future work will look.

One good thing about this metric is that it can’t be faked. The way people are treated at the workplace is not something you can sweep under the rug, and it will eventually become common knowledge in your industry. And this applies to multi-billion corporations as well as startups and small businesses. Taking care of your talent the entire period that they work for you, being fair and making active efforts to bring out the best in every employee is definitely a metric that’s here to stay when it comes to the future of employer branding. The cancel generation listens to social metrics like this one and has started to call out companies who are careless when it comes to their human resource.

Corporate Social Responsibility.

If a community is aware of its people, that community will prosper through all kinds of social needs. After all, CSR is about helping communities in every way ranging from sustainability to helping bridge the gap between the underprivileged and growth opportunities, and so on. In the present climate, a future-facing company must think more about the world around us in an empathic way, rather than a way that they will benefit from.

And while CSR has been around for some time, it’s only recently that people have started to take a closer look at the way it’s done. The more we evolve and we infuse the workplace with new generations of people with different values and outlooks on life, the better we understand their values, especially since new generations are more attentive to the bigger social picture every company paints through its activity.

Purpose, Ethics & Values.

But why is it so important to have them in line with all things above? To make a long story short, the time when values were just a page on the website that nobody cares about are long gone. Companies have to practice what they preach and to create a sustainable ecosystem that pays attention to people. Whether it’s the employees or the community, the companies’ values and their ethics are a matter of public interest. And it only makes sense. People are increasingly aware that businesses would fail without the public support, and they use this as a social leverage. Being transparent and forward about your activity only increases trust and it creates a comfortable workplace. Without a clear set of values at the core of your activity, employer branding stops being credible.

Wanna take your employer branding to the next level? Check us out.