Candidate response likelihood – this week we are happy to announce that we are incorporating a brand-new algorithm into our gamification platform to calculate the user’s response likelihood. On this occasion, we would like to give you a glimpse into our cutting-edge technology and, as usual, make the recruitment process easier for you.
Better Recruitment Manifesto
Is recruiting still suitable for a digital world, where skills have spread out more than ever?
Adaptarea la o recrutare 100% online
Cei mai mulți dintre noi trăim o perioadă complet nouă, neavând o referință asupra căreia să ne putem raporta pentru a prezice schimbări în strategiile și planurile cu care am început voioși acest an. Una dintre dimensiunile care au adăugat complexitate în viețile noastre profesionale este dimensiunea platformelor și instrumentelor prin intermediul cărora ne mutăm […]
Digital Transformation in HR
The main conversation we’ve been having with HR and recruiting leaders in the last 6 months is about adapting their hiring process to the new digital transformation circumstances. And it’s for a good reason, since I’ve seen many cases of HR tools and systems that look and feel like my first Pentium computer.
Recruitment – What Makes A Competitive Advantage
Recruitment Competitive Advantage – The Status Quo Recruitment competitive advantage – it’s no secret that the recruitment industry is undergoing massive shifts in perspective. They were long due, but the current global situation seems to have precipitated a change in view that would have happened over the course of some years and condensed it into […]
Plan For The Future Of Recruitment
The future of recruitment – Getting candidates interested in your opportunity is just half of the battle; keeping them engaged is the other. On average, 80% of job seekers abandon their intention of applying for your job – a persistent issue that leads at: loss of top talent poor word-of-mouth from candidates frustrated with the […]
Optimize your Hiring Process
Here’s how to optimize your hiring process and your canddiate pipeline through a solid strategy. But first things first – A candidate pipeline is a pool of qualified people interested in learning about job opportunities as they become available at your company. You “pipeline” candidates because their skills, experience, and traits match a particular role […]
Grow your Candidate Pipeline
Grow your candidate pipeline – A candidate pipeline is a pool of qualified people interested in learning about job opportunities as they become available at your company. You “pipeline” candidates because their skills, experience, and traits match a particular role for which there is no immediate hiring need.
How to Build Talent Relationship Management Efficiently
Talent relationship management represents the process of managing the talent acquisition lifecycle. TRM is looking to acquire, engage, and convert the talent more efficiently and effectively and make recruiters more productive.