Using Jobful at its full potential – recruitment is a complex process that needs to be effective and at the same time people-friendly since human interaction is in many cases a big component. This complexity inspired us to come up with creative solutions to many problems thus creating complexity on our own side. Jobful gives […]
What Makes Or Breaks A Tech Professional – A Guide
To be or not to be tech-savvy. This is the question. When thinking about what could make or not an experienced tech professional, it’s hard to pinpoint something at the beginning, which is pretty natural because we’re nothing but the result of the contexts we’re exposed to, afterall.
How To Pitch A Digital Talent Solution To Your Board
Recruitment is a highly dynamic industry, in every aspect.
Use Case: BCR’s IT Academy program
Forward thinking organizations plan and build for the future. When talking about talent needs, one of the key projects of each corporation is represented by internship programs. Today, most employers struggle to understand the very particular needs of Millennials and Genz as well as how to attract, how to qualify and how to select the […]
Free Whitepaper: How To Fight The Great Resignation As An Employer (II)
The Great Resignation – Managing the talent lifecycle in a way that benefits both people and the company you work for is never an easy deal, especially now that the market dynamics have changed drastically first during the pandemic, and now during the recession. And while talented professionals are not actually disappearing from the face […]
Free Whitepaper – How To Fight The Great Resignation As An Employer (I)
Fight The Great Resignation – The past two years have brought more change than we thought possible, and have impacted the workplace in so many different ways from productivity, resignations and rethinking the importance of personal lives, to sales and growth trends in the business environment.
Is Freelance the #1 Risk for Losing Top Talent? (And How To Deal With It)
Losing top talent – A little over two years ago, we were all reading different studies on how working remotely hasn’t impacted productivity. The numbers were God-sent – people were comfortable working from home, companies big and small managed to reach their organizational goals despite the stay-at-home context, and everyone thought this is what the […]
How to Optimize your Career Site into a Hiring Machine
Optimize your career site – contrary to popular belief, digital transformation is less about technology and more about people and the adoption of smart, tech layers of intelligence that complement their work. When building talent acquisition processes, putting candidates first is the biggest competitive advantage you can get. And by putting them first, we should […]