What’s that? Your HR director is saying you and your team need to start “doing recruitment marketing” and you have no idea where to start? Let us ask you one question, how’s your social media presence doing?
How AI is helping smart recruiters find the perfect candidate
By now you know that AI is…well…everywhere. No matter your sector, wherever you turn you’re seeing headlines about AI this and machine learning that. Recruiting is no exception, in fact, we’d say it’s probably one of the most impacted sectors of the business world. AI-powered software is already being used by a majority of major […]
Strongest Job Sectors in Romania
Strongest job sectors – Boasting cutting-edge IT infrastructure and one of the fastest-growing economies in the EU, it’s no wonder Romania is attracting investment and fostering one of the strongest startup cultures in the world.
Recruitment Marketing: The Basics
Recruitment marketing: You’re a recruiter. It seems pretty straightforward, right? Hiring managers tell you when they have an opening, you post the job description to appropriate job boards then wait for resumes to come in. Is there more you could be doing? What if we said there was actually a whole methodology out there focused […]
New Tool: Predicting candidate response likelihood
Candidate response likelihood – this week we are happy to announce that we are incorporating a brand-new algorithm into our gamification platform to calculate the user’s response likelihood. On this occasion, we would like to give you a glimpse into our cutting-edge technology and, as usual, make the recruitment process easier for you.
Responsabilitatea profesionala în contextul starii de urgenta
Au trecut deja 4 ani de cand am înființat Playful și mai bine de trei dintre ei de când lucrăm la conceptul Jobful pentru a face recrutarea atractivă și eficientă, prin gamification. O perioadă plină de noutăți, momente frumoase și schimbări de la o lună la alta. Am pilotat, am lansat repede pentru a strânge […]
The Candidate Matching System At Jobful
Candidates at first sight
Digital Transformation in HR
The main conversation we’ve been having with HR and recruiting leaders in the last 6 months is about adapting their hiring process to the new digital transformation circumstances. And it’s for a good reason, since I’ve seen many cases of HR tools and systems that look and feel like my first Pentium computer.
The Constant Search for the Perfect Candidate & How We Fixed It
The perfect candidate – the ways of recruitment, like anything else in the business world, it seems, should start focusing on the metrics that matter, the parts of processes that are most valuable and the people who always find better ways to achieve more.