Recruitment technology milestones – the recruiting world is awash in breakthroughs, with new game changers coming online seemingly every few weeks. 2019 was a landmark year for these changes, with the global job market shifting to a candidate-centric model and employment levels reaching all-time highs around the world.
The Constant Search for the Perfect Candidate & How We Fixed It #2
The perfect candidate – the ways of recruitment, like anything else in the business world, it seems, should start focusing on the metrics that matter, the parts of processes that are most valuable and the people who always find better ways to achieve more.
Job hunt 2020: 7 Tips for tech workers
Job hunt 2020 – You’ve probably heard about how it’s a “candidate’s market” out there. But what you may not have found is any concrete advice about what that means for you, an unemployed (or unhappily employed), highly skilled tech worker.
Job hunt 2020: Tips for creatives
Fresh on the heels of our piece for tech workers, welcome to Job Hunt 2020: creative edition! There will be some overlap here, because, well, there’s overlap in the best practices associated with any job hunt in today’s market.
How to find your ideal candidate
Finding the ideal candidate – your company is growing. Like, a lot. And your team of recruiters is working their collective fingers to the bone in the effort to fill all of the seats you have open. Thing is, it’s just not enough. For every seat you fill, it seems like 3 more become available. […]
How a Gamified Application Process Combines the Best of Old and New
Gamified application process – how many resumes have you sent out in the last month? How’d it go?
Hard Skills Assessment: Gamified Edition
Remember the last certification exam you took? That feeling of accomplishment, the sense of pride in a job well done, and the knowledge that your employer would look positively on you for taking the initiative to improve your work skillset? Not to mention the swag you got from the testing platform.
2019: A Nostalgic Look Back at a Year of Gamification & Fun
2019 was a hallmark year for gamification. The business world was receptive, and the technology to bring it into nearly every aspect of that world had matured to a point where it was not only possible, but nearly painless.
How is AI Affecting Your Job Hunt?
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is cropping up in some unexpected places these days. Have you thought about the ways it may be impacting your job search?
How to still enjoy your life while you’re looking for a job
Looking for a job is a job itself, such an irony, right? Whoever feels tired of investing dozens of hours in writing Cover Letters and adapting their CVs with not even a call for an interview… raise your hand, here we are!   (Yes, exactly, you are not alone!). And my dear friends, if I’d have the […]