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Recruitment Technology Milestones of 2019

Recruitment technology milestones – the recruiting world is awash in breakthroughs, with new game changers coming online seemingly every few weeks. 2019 was a landmark year for these changes, with the global job market shifting to a candidate-centric model and employment levels reaching all-time highs around the world.

Do your skills match what your employer of choice is looking for?

Skills match – looking for work is, well, hard work. It can easily become an all-consuming, full-time job all by itself. Add to the stresses of building a stand-out resume, composing relevant and engaging cover letters, and the “hurry up and wait” that follows each submission the fact that today’s job market is more competitive […]

Why a gamified recruiting process will help you get hired

By now we’re sure you’ve heard of Domino’s Pizza Magnate game. Or Google’s infamous “code jams.” But do you know the secret behind these recruiting strategies? And we don’t just mean the secret to why massive, global-dominant companies like these are using games to help identify who they want to work for them. We’re talking […]

Show Your Leadership Potential with Gamified Online Assessments

Leadership potential – we all know the saying, “work smarter, not harder” right? Well, that idea has finally made its way to the recruiting world in the form of gamified online recruiting platforms. These solutions offer a kind of one-stop-shop for the mid-career job seeker looking to demonstrate their abilities while finding their ideal employer […]

Hard Skills Assessment: Gamified Edition

Remember the last certification exam you took? That feeling of accomplishment, the sense of pride in a job well done, and the knowledge that your employer would look positively on you for taking the initiative to improve your work skillset? Not to mention the swag you got from the testing platform.

Soft Skills Assessment: Gamified Edition

When it comes to the end-to-end recruiting process there’s one piece of the candidate puzzle that continues to complicate things – the so-called ‘soft skills’. They’re about the candidate’s personality, their level of empathy, how well they work in a team environment, how adaptive they are, how well they respond under pressure and other profoundly […]